Neon Gray

September 27th, 2018 - November 27th, 2018

Neon Gray features new works by Troy Lovegates, some created as site specific installation for the gallery, and other works made in sketchbooks while traveling the globe and in quiet moments at home amongst the responsibilities of parenthood. As a result, the works on display are personalized little treasures that have allowed further exploration of new ideas and techniques to build a body of work.

Troy Lovegates, widely known as “OTHER”, has a knack for the use of found materials and the unification of wildly disparate elements, both material and aesthetic. Lovegates uses everything from spray paint, oil stick, water color, acrylic, and ink to create works on canvas and paper as well as wooden sculptures. A self-described "collector of lost souls,” the artist focuses on the figure as story, building motifs through heavily condensed mark making. Lovegates is constantly revising and adapting previous efforts, reintegrating them into current bodies of work that reflect the history of their making.

Painting for me is like a... well it’s an adventure, but it’s also a meditation of sorts.
— Troy Lovegates
California artist Troy Lovegates brings Neon Gray to the Graffiti Gallery, running September 27th to November 27th.



Woman Good Bad Bad


Behind the Lines